
  • Melia Eka L


The exertion to develop local community economy should start with developing local superior commodities which are considered able to bring about the expected effects on economic activities most widely, reaching second level government. It is dairy cow milk for West Java province.Considering the above condition, the government should take a set of policy which enables develop animal husbandry with the hope to encourage and motivate breeder community to participate. As the result, it is hoped that it will increase the economic prosperity level of community involved.By referring existing policies, this research attempts a study to examine whether such effects to increase the participation can be expected.The study concludes that such existing policies have not been functioning as expected to increase the participation of breeder. For this reason, it is considered important to design other scenario which induces breeder are participation.A scenario which combines community learning with woof technology is infecting, able to lever up demand and to absorb workers. The scenario is considered to the most effective. The policy can be applied by providing education to the community in filing their nutrient and health. Considering the shift in consumption pattern increasing, it is possible to be applied.The study, finally suggests investment action on leveraging participation of the breeder communities, and it can be done in the form of capital enlargement, where virtual capital can create added value or wealth of society.Keywords: policy, dynamics model, breeder participation


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