Tentang Jurnal Ini

The Accounting Reseach Journal (Accrual) is a academic publication dedicated to advancing the field of accounting and finance through rigorous research and scholarly inquiry. As an open access journal, Accrual is committed to providing free and unrestricted access to its content, promoting the dissemantion of knowledge to a global audiance.

Accrual welcomes submission form researchers, scholars, and practitioners worldwide, covering a broad spectrum of topics within the realm of accounting and financial (accounting and financial information, financial accounting, financial management, financial research and behavioural accounting, corporate finance, cost accounting, ethical issues in accounting  and financial reporting, managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, and accounting information systems, international accounting and finance, public sector accounting). The journal publishes original empirical research, theoritical contributions, literature reviews, and case studies that contribute to the understanding and advancement of accounting theory and practice.

Authors submitting to Accrual can be assured of a thorough peer-review process conducted by Reviewers. Accrual publishes two issues in a year i.e., September and March.

For more information on Accrual's policies, submission guidelines, and editorial board, please visit our website.