Pengaruh Budaya Kerja dan Komunikasi Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja Instansi “X”


  • Erlian Supriyanto


Generally organizations  recognized norms or positive values agreed with and one of  applied as work culture. A culture will color the way employees act in everyday activities. Organizational process can take place in the presence of the communication process; it can be said that the process of communication is the lifeblood of the organization. In other word it can also be exspressed that a good. Communication condition within an organization, will give affect to and be one of the causes of the effectiveness of the organization itself. The effectiveness of an organization can be viewed from various aspects, and motivation is one of them. Some studies investigating how-far  superior-subordinate relationship affect the satisfaction are giving positive results. But research that gives focus on the condition of work culture and communication within  organization and its impact on job satisfaction, indicated by motivation, not much done.The method approach of this researcher is by using  questionnaires and by the help of SPSS 12, the following results are assained:  cultural variables  influence to motivation is 0.415, Communication Variables Influence to motivation is 0473, Effect of variable Against Cultural toPerformance is 0.062, Communication Variables Influence to Performance is 0.075, Motivation Variables Influence to Performance is 0.684. 


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